Delivering IMPACT
Our Services
PLMCS enables its clients to take forward strategically important initiatives for which there is limited internal resource. We provide focus, drive, experience and capacity. Many of these commissions are from small organisations or groups of organisations that wish to work collaboratively but which require wider networks, expanded memberships or business cases to be made across organisations.
Bid and business case writing is a significant strand of our portfolio and we have developed proposals for a wide range of national and international funders both public and private. These are for the most part high-value, strategically important projects but we have also been commissioned to support first time applicants helping them to interpret funders’ rules, address priorities and act as a “critical friend”.
We offer dedicated project management support to clients seeking to ‘road test’ new ideas for which there is limited internal capacity or expertise. At PLMCS we know how to take ideas from concept, through strategy to implementation.
Support innovation
Developing and implementing policy and strategic initiatives to optimise the economic, health and societal impacts of innovation
Knowing how the health ecosystem works e.g. access and procurement, regulation, evidence and business cases, patient pathways and impact measures
Sourcing suitable technologies from other sectors/organisations to implement in a health and care setting
Working with professional services such a patent agents, investors, trade bodies and regulators
Harnessing R&D to accelerate innovation.
Build collaboration
Supporting individuals, groups and organisations to articulate their ideas, secure the involvement of key stakeholders and build consensus and shared ambition
Supporting effective communications across necessary stakeholder group e.g. commissioners, buyers and users
Developing appropriate governance and monitoring frameworks.
Design and deliver interventions for economic growth
Working with policy makers and funders to identify key areas for intervention
Co-developing timely, targeted interventions that will have the required impact
Converting strategy to action
Delivering complex, multi-agency, multi-stakeholder intervention programmes.
Manage projects and evaluate outcomes and impact
Interim management services e.g. pending recruitment of full time project staff or provision of short/medium term cover
Development of action plans, initiation of operations
Project evaluation (interim and final)
Assessment of performance and impact (quantitative and qualitative), return on investment and value for money
Informing the future development of initiatives including financial self-sustainability
Write bids for funding and investment
Working with senior management teams to identify, prioritise and develop strategically important initiatives and identify funding routes
Development of outline and full business plans for audiences including investors, public sector agencies, research funders, senior management teams, proof of concept funds
Production of detailed development and implementation plans to underpin timely product development and deployment for both services and technology
Working with stakeholders to develop proposals to regional, national and international funding bodies including the facilitation of meetings and workshops as well as bid writing and contract negotiation.
Create new income streams
Assessment of the scale and nature of the opportunity including market appraisal, competitor analysis, buying criteria, option appraisal, key success and risk factors
Defining the commercial offer and optimum route to market
Working with entrepreneurs, industry and academics to identify commercially exploitable technologies, products and services.
We know how to...
Manage innovation - Identify opportunity - Deliver value - Demonstrate impact