Delivering IMPACT

Our Company
PLMCS was established in 2004 by Dr Paddie Murphy initially to support universities in the commercialisation and exploitation of their research portfolios. The focus of the business has evolved over time and we now also include innovation support, strategy development and bespoke implementation for a range of public and private sector partners.
At PLMCS we pride ourselves on our ability to give clients what they need - be it “go/no go” advice, insight, options, guidance, best practice or access to specialist knowledge and expertise - in a timely and cost-effective manner. As a result, we have long term relationships with clients and high levels of repeat business.
Our People
Paddie Murphy is the founder and director of PLMCS. She graduated from University College Dublin with a first class honours degree and PhD in zoology and moved to the UK in 1992. Following two years with BTCV (British Trust for Conservation Volunteers) she joined University of Warwick developing research funding proposals and managing multidisciplinary projects. She went on to hold five further posts at Warwick University all in the area of research management and technology transfer.

In January 2003, she moved to the Birmingham Medical School working for the Dean of Medicine and the senior management team on large scale strategic research initiatives, developing outreach programmes and improving links with industry.
Paddie has been the driving force behind PLMCS since day one and has personally delivered more than ninety projects over periods ranging from a half day up to two years with characteristic enthusiasm and energy.
She combines an ability to understand technical detail with excellent communication skills which underpins her track record of identifying opportunities, establishing fruitful collaborations, engaging diverse stakeholders and delivering economic, societal and health impacts.
David Cessford is the Company Secretary and a Director at PLMCS. With a background in environmental science and years of experience working with local authorities and the public on countryside management projects, David provides research, organisation, and administrative support for all PLMCS projects.
Our Network
Providing comprehensive, insightful expertise across a wide range of subjects is not possible for a small organisation so PLMCS has a network of people with diverse, complementary expertise who collaborate when appropriate.
These Associates are long standing colleagues with proven expertise in their respective fields and who work together, managed by PLMCS to deliver large programmes of work. These are people we know well and trust with our reputation.